
No email or username required, only autogenerated username:password pair.

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Note: You can get Virbox VPN with a channel membership or by paying in Monero (XMR).

The purpose of this project is to let users across the world change their IP. We do not lie about the need for additional security, because there is nothing VPN encrypts that HTTPS doesn't. Use a VPN, if you...

How it works?

I believe in open-source software. Many VPN providers share the source code for their client apps. The backend, however, stays closed. In contrast, the full source code of Virbox VPN project is available at GitHub. We use OpenVPN as the VPN server software. WireGuard support is also planned in the future.

To use Virbox VPN, download your VPN profiles, and import them into your VPN client. On Linux, you may want to install network-manager-openvpn-gnome package first.

Payment process

There are two ways:

  1. Join the Virbox membership on YouTube and receive a coupon to get Virbox VPN for free.

  2. Pay with Monero cryptocurrency.

YouTube channel membership

With the membership coupon, you "buy" the VPN for free and download VPN profiles (for OpenVPN) after your account is activated. Activation happens within 5 minutes.


After you login and create an invoice for the selected plan, you will be redirected to the invoice page, which would contain a Monero wallet address integrated with the invoice ID, and XMR amount you should send. The amount is calculated from CoinGecko API at the moment of invoice creation and is fixed afterwards. The invoice is deleted 48 hours after the creation, but you should send the transaction earlier to get 3 confirmations in Monero blockchain and be processed by our server.

After the payment, within 10 minutes you will be able to download a ZIP archive containing .ovpn profiles for you to use with any OpenVPN client. The link will become available on the account page.

You only pay when you want to add balance (amount of days) to the account - no autorecurring subscriptions.

To receive updates on Virbox VPN, join the mailing list.

Contact us: support@virbox.net